
Browse Obligees

What is an Obligee?

An obligee is the entity requiring the bond from the principal. Generally, obligees are branches of local, state, or federal government. These governmental bodies propose, enact, and maintain the statutes and legislature surrounding the requirements to the bond.

Name City State Actions
City of Oak Hill Nashville TN
Aleutians East - County AK
Aleutians West - County AK
Anchorage - County AK
Bethel - County AK
Bristol Bay - County AK
Chugach - County AK
Copper River - County AK
Denali - County AK
Dillingham - County AK
Fairbanks North Star - County AK
Haines - County AK
Hoonah-Angoon - County AK
Juneau - County AK
Kenai Peninsula - County AK
Ketchikan Gateway - County AK
Kodiak Island - County AK
Kusilvak - County AK
Lake and Peninsula - County AK
Matanuska-Susitna - County AK
Nome - County AK
North Slope - County AK
Northwest Arctic - County AK
Petersburg - County AK
Prince of Wales-Hyder - County AK