
Browse Obligees

What is an Obligee?

An obligee is the entity requiring the bond from the principal. Generally, obligees are branches of local, state, or federal government. These governmental bodies propose, enact, and maintain the statutes and legislature surrounding the requirements to the bond.

Name City State Actions
Wilkes County Wilkesboro NC
State of North Carolina Landscape Contractors' Licensing Board Raleigh NC
City of Bismarck Bismarck ND
City of Fargo Fargo ND
City of Grand Forks Grand Forks ND
City of Jamestown Jamestown ND
City of Mandan Mandan ND
City of Minot Minot ND
City of Wahpeton Wahpeton ND
City of Williston Williston ND
State of North Dakota Board of Water Well Contractors Bismarck ND
State of North Dakota Division of Community Services Bismarck ND
State of North Dakota Securities Commissioner Bismarck ND
State of North Dakota Department of Health Bismarck ND
State of North Dakota Board for Career and Technical Education Bismarck ND
State of North Dakota Department of Agriculture Bismarck ND
State of North Dakota Game and Fish Commissioner Bismarck ND
State of North Dakota Securities Department Bismarck ND
State of North Dakota State Seed Department Fargo ND
City of Bellevue Bellevue NE
City of Fremont Fremont NE
City of Kearney Kearney NE
City of Lincoln Lincoln NE
City of McCook McCook NE
City of Omaha Omaha NE