
Suretypedia Bonds

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State Obligee Description Limit View
NE State of Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance Nebraska Sale of Checks Varies
NE State of Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance Nebraska Sales Finance License $50,000
NE City of Omaha Nebraska Sign Contractor Varies
NE City of Omaha Nebraska Street Excavations (and Conduits & Pipes) $20,000
NE State of Nebraska Department of Insurance Nebraska Surplus Lines Licensee Varies
NE City of Lincoln Nebraska User of Public Space (Special Event Permit) Varies
NE Metropolitan Utilities District of Omaha Nebraska Utility Deposit Varies
NE Omaha Public Power District Nebraska Utility Deposit Varies
NE Black Hills Energy Services Nebraska Utility Deposit Varies
NE State of Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Nebraska Wholesale Drug Distributor Varies
NE GENERIC OBLIGEE Nebraska Concessionaire Varies
NE GENERIC OBLIGEE Nebraska Contract - Bid Bond Varies
NE GENERIC OBLIGEE Nebraska Contract - Payment / Performance Varies
NE State of Nebraska Office of the Secretary of State Nebraska Credit Services Organization $100,000
NE State of Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Nebraska Emergency Medical Service Training Agency $20,000
NE GENERIC OBLIGEE Nebraska Fuel Supply Payment Varies
NE State of Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance Nebraska Mortgage Banker License $100,000
NE State of Nebraska Department of Revenue Nebraska Motor Fuels Producer Varies
NE State of Nebraska Department of Revenue Nebraska Motor Fuels Tax Varies
NE State of Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles Nebraska Motor Vehicle Auction Dealer $100,000
NE State of Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Nebraska Oil and Gas - 1 Well $10,000
NE State of Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Nebraska Oil and Gas - Blanket $100,000
NE GENERIC OBLIGEE Nebraska Pole Attachment Varies
NE State of Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court Nebraska Self-Insurer Workers Compensation Varies
NE State of Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality Nebraska Solid Waste Management Varies