
Suretypedia Bonds

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State Obligee Description Limit View
MI State of Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services Michigan Deferred Presentment Service Provider Varies
MI GENERIC OBLIGEE Michigan Fuel Supply Payment Varies
MI City of Grand Rapids Michigan Grading, Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Varies
MI State of Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Michigan Grain Merchandiser's and Farm Produce Trucker's $100,000
MI Cascade Charter Township Michigan Landscaping Varies
MI Monroe County Road Commission Michigan Maintenance $5,000
MI Genesee County Drain Commissioner Michigan Maintenance and Guarantee Varies
MI State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Michigan Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Ash Landfill Varies
MI State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Michigan Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Varies
MI State of Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth Michigan Nonprofit Reimbursing Employer Varies
MI GENERIC OBLIGEE Michigan Pole Attachment Varies
MI State of Michigan Department of Energy Labor and Economic Growth Michigan Professional Employer Organization Varies
MI Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy Materials Management Division Michigan Registered Scrap Tire Collection Site Performance Varies
MI Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy Materials Management Division Michigan Registered Scrap Tire Hauler $10,000
MI City of Ann Arbor Michigan Right-of-Way Unitlateral Telecommunications Permit $25,000
MI State of Michigan Department of Energy Labor and Economic Growth Michigan Security Guard Agency $25,000
MI State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Workers' Compensation Agency Michigan Self-Insurer Workers Compensation Varies
MI City of Rochester Hills Michigan Site Improvement Varies
MI City of Warren Michigan Site Plan Performance Varies
MI Jackson County Health Department Michigan Soil Erosion Varies
MI Kent County Michigan Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Permit Varies
MI Livingston County Drain Commissioner Michigan Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Varies
MI State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Michigan Solid Waste Processing Plant Varies
MI State of Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Michigan Solid Waste Transfer Facility Varies
MI GENERIC OBLIGEE Michigan Subdivision, Site Improvement or Development Varies